Alexa Friedman's Music Video For "Enraptured"

OFFICIAL WINNER of the Hollywood Music in Media's Independent Music Video Award 2017. Spirinity Productions directed, produced the story, produced the video, built the set, cast the talent, choreographed, edited the footage and did VFX for this video.


Music Video Production:  Spirinity Productions
Music Video Directed and Producer: Spencer D. Evans
Producer: Kristin Coleman and Josh Bales
Director of Photography: Lucas Miller
Choreography: Michael Langford

Artist Info

Artist Website: Alexa Friedman 
Song written and produced:
 by Estani Frizzell
Song produced  Bryan Velasco
Rapper Hector Munoz

Let's work together

If you have a creative project in mind, get in contact with us! We are the premier video and music video production company in Los Angeles.